Effecting Positive Change in the Lives of Young Women

leading young women

Network Initiatives

Leading Young Women, Inc. is an organization is committed to developing critical thinking, self-awareness, a strong voice, and confidence in our young women. With the development of these skills, our students will learn how to navigate and overcome societal pressures while maintaining a growth mindset.

Our plan is to embed and exhibit the pillars of our organization through partnerships with public school districts that allow us to enhance core curricular subjects and expose our girls to expanded subjects. These partnerships support girls being more vocal, owning their intelligence, taking calculated risks in subjects such as math and science, and fully immersing themselves in a supportive environment that celebrates sisterhood. 

"Black girls were 'held back' a grade or 'retained' at a rate of 21% in 2013, compared to 10% of girls overall (Smith-Evans et al., 2014)

Leading Young Women, Inc. provides community engagement, diversity and inclusion training, scholarships, and programs through the following network initiatives:

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Donate to Support and Empower Youth

Leading Young Women, Inc. is so proud of our recent and we’d like all that have supported thus far; thank you for being a part of our community! However, our mission in advancing the work of young black and brown gender expansive girls within our communities is a 24/7 undertaking! We need your help to continue our work!

As a nonprofit organization, we completely rely on community support None of our efforts would be possible without the help of donors, volunteers, and supportive community members like you.

We invite you to please consider making a donation or becoming a sponsor to help us fund our organizational needs